URGENT – COVID-19 Update
May 11 2020
To our valued customers,
We are pleased to announce that we are making preparations to restart our physical attendances for document service in a limited capacity. In our opinion, the general public has been sufficiently educated in how to limit the spread of COVID-19 which will reduce the risk of our attendances. Through meticulous safety protocol, we will attend at select residences and some commercial properties during the day. We will evaluate this limited physical operation on service success rates and safety before deciding if we should move forward with opening on a larger scale.
In an effort to be clear, due to the court’s limited operations, we will not resume physical court attendances at this time. This decision will remain until the courts are accepting all material, and not limited to emergency filings only. We will also continue to hold physical pickups and drop offs at our client’s offices until further notice. We will begin service with material currently on hand, or pleadings emailed to us to print. Wherever possible, we would still prefer to serve pleadings by fax or mail for the purpose of electronic filing.
Regarding rush services; in an effort to thoroughly review all locations, we will only be offering standard (next day) attendances for any rush requests. All services, whether rush or regular will be subject to our approval before attendance.
We will also continue to assist you in the following areas:
ELECTRONIC FILINGS: We have the availability to file many types of civil pleading through our e-filing account. E-mail us at kap@kaplitigation.com for a complete list of available documents.
SERVICE: By mail or Fax. (Now with limited physical attendances resuming as outlined above)
AGENT SERVICES AND FILING: Subject to confirmation based on location and availability.
ONLINE SEARCHES: MTO (Drivers Licence and Plate), Corporate, Property, Bankruptcy.
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